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-Mineral Properties-

Luster - The property of mineral that can be either metallic or nonmetallic determined by the shininess of the mineral.
Color - The property of the mineral that can be identified when the mineral is rubbed against a hard surface like a streak plate.
Hardness - How hard or soft the mineral is. It's determined on a scale of 1-10, also known as the MoH scale.
Cleavage/Fracture - The type of breakage of the mineral. When the breakage is even, it is the cleavage, whereas when the breakage is uneven, it is the fracture.
Composition - The different factors that made up the mineral.


What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoyed making the video the most because I was able to do my first proper voiceover with the high-quality microphone I bought last summer, although I was really nervous and shy when I did it.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging thing for me during this project is still the limited time that was given. Besides, we also had Internship going on at the same time, so it was really time-consuming and stressful.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned how to do and edit the voiceover in iMovie. I also explored different effects you could add on to the sounds.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I think I could've made our video a little more interesting. I personally think my voiceover is quite dull and not attention-catching. If I would put more some more efforts into the video, it could've been on another level.