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Seasons/季节 - Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
Direct Sunlight/阳光直射 - When the sunlight hits Earth at a straight line.
Indirect Sunlight/阳光斜射 -When the sunlight hits Earth at an angle
Equator/赤道 - An imaginary line that equally divides Earth into half.
Axis/轴 - The imaginary line that goes through the middle of Earth
Tilt/倾斜 - Not straight; sloping
Elliptical/椭圆 - The shape of an orbit.
Orbit/轨道 - The path Earth takes around the Sun.
Hemisphere/半球 - Half of Earth

Seasons are the divisions of the year. There are 4 seasons in each year -- Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Seasons happen because of the Earth's axis, and the axis is tilted to the 23.5 degree angle, pointing straightly to the Northern Star -- Polaris. Seasons were also caused by the revolution of Earth around the Sun on an elliptical orbit. On Earth's orbit, there are two different equinoxes and solstices, and thus, they create 4 different kinds of climates. On the other hand, Earth is divided into two hemispheres by the equator. One receives the direct sunlight when the other one receives the indirect sunlight, and that's why the two hemispheres have opposite seasons.


Critical Thinking Question
How is earth affected by movement (revolution)?
Earth is affected by the movement, or known as the revolution, of itself because its movement around the Sun caused the four different seasons -- Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter -- to happen. Earth has different seasons because Earth reaches different equinoxes or solstices as it revolves around the Sun. Each season has its own special weather conditions and qualities depending on whether the hemisphere receives direct sunlight or indirect sunlight in the mean time.

1. What did you enjoy the most about this project and why?
The thing I enjoyed the most about this project is editing and perfecting the video because I got to learn more about using iMovie and editing and cutting clips, and I also enjoyed being creative when I edit it by exploring new editing techniques and make use of them when editing the video.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging thing for me during this project is that I was not given too much time to edit my video. I felt that I didn't have enough time to add more exciting stuffs and improve the video even more, and I had to complete the whole editing in a small amount of time. In fact, I still feel like the video could've been a lot better.

3. What new skills did you enjoy learn from doing this project?
Through this project, I've learned many new iMovie skills I've never learned before, such as cutting the screen, putting the subtitles. I also got to experience iMovie a lot more than before, and I now find it a very handy and easy application to edit the videos.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
There are definitely a lot of things I could've add to the video to improve the quality of the video. If I had more time provided, I would adjust the volume of the background music a little more, make Roger dub the clips to increase the quality of the voice, and definitely make the transitions a little smoother.


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